Monday 4 September 2017

On the Powwow Trail 2017

The year 2017 marks 150 years of confederation in Canada. 

To see people celebrating and honouring Powwow during this year was a powerful experience.

Teens Chicken Dancer, Flying Dust, 2017

I started my own trail of sorts this year with my family in the Muskeg Lake Cree Nation on July 1, and followed that stop up with many more around northern Saskatchewan. 

From Forte-a-la-Corne (James Smith Cree Nation), to Muskoday's 26 annual celebration, to my most recent stop in Flying Dust for their annual competition powwow and many in between I had the opportunity to catch up with familiar faces, and make new friends. 

Alvin Sangret, a "golden aged" mens traditional dancer taught me about protocols in the arbour. 
Fort-a-la-corne Traditional Powwow, 2017

Right from that first day in Muskeg, I've had one thought running through my head:

For powwow to be celebrated this year speaks to the perseverance of Indigenous people in Canada, and in Saskatchewan as a whole. 

Northern Saskatchewan was heavily impacted by racist Indian Act policies like the Pass and Permit System, which made inter-tribal gatherings harder to host or attend for many Nations. Residential schools were created, and for generations, sought to "kill the Indian in the child," as the countries first elected colonial leader said.

Powwow itself was illegal until amendments to the Indian Act in 1951, forcing the gatherings to be held in secret in order to keep the traditions going. 

All of this and yet, the celebrations are here to stay.

Always watching and learning.
Youth Chicken Dancers, Flying Dust, 2017

With that thought in mind, I look forward to another year following another trail. Here are some of my favourite shots from my trail in 2017, in no particular order.

 Mens Traditional Dancer, Flying Dust, 2017

Youth Mens Traditional Dancer, Muskeg Lake Cree Nation, 2017

Youth Women's Fancy Shawl Dancer, Muskeg Lake Cree Nation, 2017

Women's Jingle Dress, Muskeg Lake Cree Nation, 2017

Grass Dancer, Fort-a-la-Corne, 2017

Tiny Tot Grass Dancer, Fort-a-la-Corne, 2017

Women's Fancy Shall Dancer, Flying Dust, 2017

Youth Chicken Dancer, Wahpeton Dakota Nation, 2017

Youth Traditional Dancer, Wahpeton Dakota Nation, 2017

Women's Fancy Shawl Dancer, Wahpeton Dakota Nation, 2017

Women's Jingle Dress Dancers, Wahpeton Dakota Nation, 2017

Hoop Dancer, Flying Dust, 2017

Burton Bird, Hoop Dancer, Muskeg Lake Cree Nation, 2017

Until next year, friends.