Sunday, 19 April 2015

The Internship, Part 1

I gotta find an internship that is "photojournalistic in it's nature" in order to graduate.

This was on my mind the past few months, and at times it felt like it was weighing me down or stressing me out.

I made up my mind a long time ago I wasn't staying in Ontario in order to complete this last step. Being realistic and in a graduating class filled with talented shooters, many of whom call Ontario home, I knew I was heading back west for this.

I couldn't be happier that the Penticton Herald was happy to take me on as a writer / photographer for my time as a "practicum student," which has been my title for the past few weeks. I haven't been in Penticton for five years, and a lot has changed in my life in that time span. It's cool to be out here and able to take in everything with totally new eyes, and a camera. I've been able to catch up with family I haven't talked with face to face for years, and it's been awesome.

I've put a lot of hours in already, shooting a wide variety of news events. From taking photos of small children, to witnessing a double murder verdict handed down, I've been handed such a wide variety of assignments. I've fallen in love all over again with journalism. I don't thing there's a better way to put it I guess!

Second day on the job, I get told about this challenge that was thrown down to the local RCMP detachment.

PENTICTON, BC -- Corporal Don Wrigglesworth participated in the Lyme Sucks challenge on Wednesday, April 8, 2015. Wrigglesworth passed the challenge along to Fire Department chief Wayne Williams after he ate a slice of lime. The Lyme Sucks challenge was developed to raise awareness about Lyme disease, which is commonly misdiagnosed across the country as a variety of other diseases. Photo credit Bryan Eneas

My first ever A1 photo, which was really cool. A few hours later I found myself in a conference hall listening to Chief Clarence Louie speak about a wide variety of topics. He was captivating to say the least. Another assignment took me outta there early, and that was a pity.

PENTICTON, BC. -- Chief Clarence Louie of the Osoyoos Indian Band addressed the Penticton Rotary club on Wednesday, April 8, 2015. Chief Louie spoke on the topic of Aboriginal growth in business, and his aspirations for the remainder of his time as Chief. Photo credit Bryan Eneas

Listening to him speak inspired me to take a look into economic growth on the Penticton Indian Band, my home, of which there has been tons. It's amazing to see. If you haven't been following my stories through facebook, take a little bit of time to read this one later. )

Then we go to Fest-of-Ale. Goodness me, if I drank beer and didn't have to work it would be the time of my life. Chatted with some interesting characters.

PENTICTON, BC. -- Kelsey Kendall, Stephanie Harborne, Ashley Lucas, Courtnee Neuls, and Alysha Davis all made the trip from Chilliwack, BC to check out Fest-of-Ale on Saturday, April 11. Photo credit Bryan Eneas

PENTICTON, BC -- Samantha Brown purchases a craft brew from Carson Ruhland of the Firehall Brewery from Oliver, BC. The 20th annual Fest-of-Ale kicked off at the Penticton Trade and Convention Centre on Friday, April 10, 2015. 47 independant brewers were present to show off the best of their craft to the public of Penticton. Photo credit Bryan Eneas

PENTICTON, BC -- A group from Christina Lake poses for a shot during the 20th annual Fest-of-Ale in Penticton, BC on April 11, 2015. Members from this group have been attening Fest-of-Ale for at least 5 years. Photo credit Bryan Eneas

Just as I was getting in my car I got a phone call from my editor, James Miller. There had been a double murder trial going on during the time I was finishing my classes at Loyalist College, and now it was time for the verdict. Sitting in that courtroom those few minutes was intense. My colleague Joe Fries and a few other local reporters were scribbling like mad, and I was just trying to keep up on understanding what was being discussed up until the verdict was actually handed out. In the end, for me it amounted to a wire photo, which I honestly never expected coming out here. A handful of papers ran the shot, as it was a pretty prominent trial here in British Columbia. The feels! 

John Ike Koopmans is taken away by sherriffs outside a Penticton B.C. courtroom after being found guilty on two counts of second degree murder plus an additional count of attempted murder. Saturday, April 11, 2015. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Penticton Herald-Bryan Eneas

My second week consisted of the most writing I've ever done in my life. So much writing. Just a variety of topics. Apparently I got my first hate letter today (April 18) regarding a story I had written about Electromagnetic Fields. Apparently I didn't do it justice, but I'll leave that up to y'all. I personally think that it's up to you if you wanna believe in it. 

Got to drive out to Oliver, BC to take photos of the cast of the South Okanagan Secondary School, who is putting on High School Musical. That was a nice little drive for sure, the more I get out around here the more I enjoy the Okanagan. 

OLIVER, BC. -- Kaden Chernoff, Bethany Smith, Tony Abellan, and Lauren McGibbon have been casted as the leads for the Southern Okanagan High School's rendition of High School Musical. The cast has put in over 200 hours of practise under the guidance of Alison Podmorow, a director of the school's musical, The production will be showing at the Venebles Theatre in Oliver, BC from April 16 - 18, 2015. Tickets are $10 for students, and $15 for adults, available for purchase at the SOSS main office. Photo credit Bryan Eneas

Aaaaaannnnndddd then more and more writing. After working almost two weeks straight I started feeling it on Friday. I got an opportunity to get out of the office and shoot something, something I wouldn't normally shoot at all. Something that honestly kinda freaks me out, and has freaked me out ever since I started up photojournalism. 

Small children. 

I couldn't have asked for it to go any better than it did though.

PENTICTON, BC. -- Corina holds Matias during the Baby Songs and Rhymes hour hosted at the Penticton Public Library on Friday. The hour is filled with fun songs for small children, and is concluded with a story or two. The library hosts this event every Friday until the end of May, with May 22 off. Photo credit Bryan Eneas

I've still got some hours to put in here in here at the Penticton Herald. I got some really, really exciting news earlier this week. I won't tell y'all but the next update is going to be pretty wild I think. 

I just got my hands on a 120mm film camera as well today, a Mamiyaflex TLR camera. I've wanted a chance to use a medium format camera for a long time now, so needless to say I'm incredibly stoaked. Got my hands on some film, and that's what I'm heading out to do tomorrow... Stay sharp folks. 

Sunday, 12 April 2015

An Interview with Jesse Whitehead

Jesse Whitehead was the first dude in Regina who offered to take me out skateboarding so I could try my hand at snapping photos. We became co-workers  and as soon as he told me he loved skating I asked if he'd be down with me shooting.... I'm pretty sure neither of us would have guessed that I would fall in love so quick with skateboarding. 

After shooting photos at the Yorkton skatepark with Jesse, I started hanging around the 306 Hip Hop and Sk8 Shop in Regina with my camera and I met even more cool people who killed it on boards. I was hooked. Skateboarding is simply the best thing to shoot. It's beautiful mind bending, and so many other things to many people. I'm happy I can contribute in any way possible to this amazing world.

A few months shy of three years after I found something that I am truly passionate about, I got a chance to link up with Jesse again in British Columbia, Canada. This is quite a feat; both of us have moved to opposite ends of the country for work, and school respectively. I didn't hesitate to jump on doing an interview while we cruised around Kelowna shooting photos today, and this is the outcome. 

BE: Tell me how you got into skateboarding?

Jesse Whitehead: When I was 13, my cousins Riley and Ashley got skateboards on their trip to Vancouver and they let me use them for a bit, just practising with them... That's where it started. I've wanted one ever since.

BE: You're out in BC now, what brought you out here from Saskatchewan?

Jesse Whitehead: I needed a change. I wasn't down with living in Regina anymore, it felt it was becoming a routine. I didn't want that, so when my roommate offered me the opportunity to drive out here I was fully on board. I took it and didn't look back. 

Jesse Whitehead // Frontside Feeble // Kelowna, British Columbia,  2015

BE: Tell me about your living situation, I know it's a little unique

Jesse Whitehead: Yeah! I live about 25 minutes outside of Vernon, BC on the Okanagan Indian Reserve. I live in a log cabin right by the lake. Its in a bit of rough shape right now. The yard is huge, I'm thinking of making a mini ramp once I get some fence up and level off some ground. 

BE: What's your favourite thing about skating in BC as opposed to Saskatchewan?

JW: I love how there's a lot of skateparks, there's tons of places to skate in the province. Any small town has either a park or at least one good spot. It's mind-blowing in comparison to Saskatchewan where there isn't a lot. You have to get really creative back there. Here, everywhere, is like unbelievable. 

Jesse Whitehead // Backside Tailslide // Kelowna, British Columbia, 2015

BE: So you like to travel around lots, what's your favourite park you've been to here? 

JW: Kamloops is my favourite park for sure. I haven't been to Vancouver Skate Plaza yet though, it's got quite the reputation. 

BE: 9 years after you started, what is it that keeps you out and skateboarding?

JW: Purely passion, man. I love skateboarding. I can't explain it, theres just something in my blood. I wake up everyday and look up skate clips to get me hyped and get through the day, then I watch more goddamn skate videos before I go out to skate. I literally have no hobbies other than skateboarding, I love it.

Sometimes ya just need a quick break. This was the make or break moment at this spot. To keep battling or to move on?

BE: You told me that you were told to hand some clips to West49 in Regina, tell me a bit more about that!

JW: I was yeah, I had told Jake (Duquette) to put some clips together for me to see what would happen, then out of nowhere the opportunity to come out here came up. Even though I loved my job and it would be cool to stay around and become like a hometown hero, I just needed the change. So even a sponsorship couldn't keep me around, I just needed that change. I still feel young enough where I could still get one. Not out to be like Nyjah Huston, my goal would be to get a mag photo, like TPR just did. I'm working for it, I won't give up. 

Jesse Whitehead // Kickflip to hill bomb // Kelowna, British Columbia, 2015