Monday, 28 December 2015

2015: In Review

Tis the season for reflection... 2015 has been a wild ride from start to finish. I met a lot of interesting people along the way! I graduated college (what the hell? four years ago if you told me that was a possibility I'd have laughed.)

Yet again, I found myself in a new city, in a new part of Ontario. I miss Bellevegas a lot more than I realized I would. It had it's quirks, it had its characters. I met a number of incredible skateboarders, made a lot of friends, and I had a lot of good times there. When it's time to go, it's time to go though. I'll never forget y'all!

I had some interesting experiences behind the lens and personally, and I feel to an extent that I have grown from them all. That's what we're all after right? Personal growth? I'll celebrate that as a win.

My 5D is currently with Canon, getting repairs done to the hotshoe and a few of the buttons. I've been encountering a lot of problems lately with my flashes not syncing correctly with the shutter, which has taken it's toll on my shooting. Right from the end of May until now I've been regulated to one flash, on my camera body in order to achieve high speed sync shots. There have been a number of times this year where this was incredibly frustrating, and ultimately I chose to dedicate my summer to filming two video projects.

As I did a year ago, I'm gunna make a list. This year however, there are my most memorable experiences from the past 365 days (In no particular order.)

Cirque du Soleil was simply one of the most incredible things I've ever had the privilege to shoot. Being asked to cover such a big event as an intern was a little nerve wracking at first, I'll tell you. As things got underway all self doubt left and I had a blast. The colours of Varekai were amazing. The acrobatics were mind-bottling. Being able to tour the stage and speak with the performers and some of the people in charge of the production was incredible. It's events like this that remind me how lucky I am to use a camera every day.

 Ahhh.. Banff. More specifically the Johnston Falls. Easily some of the purest oxygen I've ever inhaled, along with some of the most dynamic scenery. In my second day of traveling across Canada I took a shorter driving day in order to make it to these falls. I made my way rather slowly through the Rockies, stopping at my leisure to photograph the sights. Making the falls just before magic hour only left me a little bit of time to shoot so I tried to make the most of it. After discovering a strange looking trail off the main paths I mosied my way down to this little spot.

 Getting to meet up with Jesse while I was in BC was a great time. It's always awesome to get to explore new places to skate with homies! Kelowna was a blast, and despite a papering of no skateboarding signs we managed to get in some great shots and do so relatively hassle free. I can't wait to get back out west and see ya again dood!!

Long Beach will always be the best place in the world to me. I'm not a beach person at all either; I just think that the forests surrounding the wild Pacific ocean, and the smell of salty air  is the most amazing environment to wake up to every day. It was also great to see Spenser Smith, my oldest friend, and shoot together like we used to 10 years ago. The waves normally get wild, and the tide is usually a lot closer than it is here. It was nice to see a father taking his young one to enjoy the natural beauty before we eventually destroy it.

This photo will forever remind me how insane a journalists life can be. In one day, I went from shooting a beer fest, to taking photos of kids and rubber ducks, to sitting in a court room listening to the verdict in a double murder trial. I'll always have a soft spot for photojournalism, even if it doesn't end up being my career. 

TPR you crazy bastard. 306 Rooftop Tour is basically what happened when we met up this year. I'll never forget it, that's for sure. Shout out to you too, Chevy. You're a natural born killer! Keep at it!

A large older dude didn't like the fact we were skating on this schools roof, and he felt the need to be vocal about it. I played deaf up until he was literally right behind me yelling about damage and hurting ourselves or some such bullshit. After he insulted our collective intelligence (as this frame was being made) I'd had it. Being the only guy on the ground sucks, but I'll stick up for my homies. We aren't stupid, we know the risks of what we do, and I'm pretty sure we aren't five year olds with mommies who'll sue the daylights outta anyone. Fuck off and let us do what we do.

More TPR on more rooftops. Noseblunt Pull, at a spot a lot of people have dreamed of skating.

Try it, you never know what'll happen!

This was one of those awesome wake up at 5am to go skate sessions. It was a blast, and I could never ask for a better way to start my days.

This was an idea I had actually come up with in the Spring of 2014. As I found issues with my camera, I adjusted to accommodate. There was no better year to get started on filming this project that had been floating around in my head! I actually filmed this simultaneously with production of That Life 2.0, so that gave me a challenge. After countless hours editing, I produced a full 22 minute video on DVDs for the homies to watch and enjoy. Once the fatigue from that project wore off I began working on a shorter web edition. I couldn't be happier with the results!

Filming was a new challenge to me, and one I'll always enjoy. My passion lies in still images though, so as my gear gets back to 100% I'll move my focus back to stills.

I've been messing around with some architecture stuff here in St. Catharines. I'm working a full time job in a greenhouse now, so I'm free to shoot some of my other passions. I haven't gotten to do any skating here yet outside of filming with Connor, but I hope to meet some people once the snow melts! There isn't a lot of street skating here sadly, a lot of guys go up to Hamilton for it I guess. We may see what's up there next year!

Until then, keep it real my friends. I miss you all, even if we don't talk much anymore. Life's a trip, make it a good one.

Monday, 15 June 2015

On the Open Road

Between May and June, I made a trek across Canada basically starting in Tofino, British Columbia, and ending in good old Bellevegas. I was fortunate enough to come into a vehicle while in Penticton, and I appreciate the opportunity I got to make this drive.

With my Mamiaflex TLR, my 5D, and my 50D by my side the entire drive, I got a chance to document a small portion of my adventure in many different ways. The film portion of my trip will come soon, I'm still developing rolls of film that I shot along the way. I'm really excited to see the final products, based on what I've gotten back I couldn't be any happier!

For the digital segment of the trip I've chosen some shots from a few stops along the way, and anything that caught my eye for one reason or another. I hope y'all enjoy em as much as I do.

Starting off at the Hope Slides Memorial between Princeton and Hope along the Crows Nest Highway. One of my favourite drives in the country; there's an amazing view around each (treacherous) corner. These speed signs are to be treated with the utmost respect.
Tofino Roadtrip 

I picked up Spenser in Nanaimo on my way to Tofino from Ladysmith where I visited my grandmother for a few days. From there, we made the drive to the far west coast, and easily the most beautiful place on earth in my opinion.

Ever since visiting Tofino for the first time many years ago I've always felt this draw to it. Maybe it's the coast, maybe it's the pounding waves, maybe it's all the hippies and locally owned / run business....

All I know is one day I'm gunna end up living here for some time to keep documenting this amazing region of Canada.

I shot this in MacMillan Provincal Park, or Cathedral Grove, which is an ancient forest located on Vancouver Island located between Qualicum Beach and Port Alberni. We made a stop here to stretch our legs and explore the olds woods a little bit. 

I don't think there are many ways to show just how towering these trees really are... You've gotta stop by and see it yourself for a real experience.

 Once we arrived at Wickaninnish, the first beach we were going to visit, Spenser and myself got a thorough soaking in a 15 minute downpour as we walked down the beach. Once we found shelter under some trees and shrubbery, the rain started to subside. I was making some 120 shots when Spenser wandered down onto the beach to see what he could see, and I spotted this. 

After eating lunch in Tofino, we went to Long Beach. This rock is the first thing you see once you walk down the path to the beach, and it became the subject of many photos produced by myself and Spenser. I noticed this father and son playing around while we were exploring, and they decided to walk out towards the rock and get one last look before they made their trip back home. 

On a side note, out of all the trips I've made here in my life I haven't seen this rock with the tide out so far. It was interesting pondering if a walk / swim could have been made out to it. Nasty undertow here though, not worth the risk getting sucked out this time around. 

The Long Beach waves, before we made the trip back to the eastern portion of Vancouver Island. 

Tofino happened on my second day visiting the Island. The very next day I made a trip to Victoria to buy 120mm film. Fun fact for you fellow photographers, Vancouver Island is pretty hurting on Camera stores. If you ever want to buy film, you're pretty much limited to Victoria or Vancouver. Keep it in mind if you're going to shoot on the island! 

Deciding I didn't want to waste a trip down the Malahat for simply film, I stopped at Goldstream Provincial Park and found this towering fall. 

Cross Country Touring

The next portion of my road trip would span roughly 2/3 of Canada. It totalled out to be just shy of 6000km when the whole trip was wrapped up at my driveway in Belleville, Ontario.

I was ready to go in the Red Ranger with the entire cab filled with gear, clothes, random gifts, and odds and ends for me take home to Bellevegas. 

Starting in Ladysmith, I traveled the Hope/Princeton Highway back to Penticton and spent a final night at my grandparents house before making my way to Banff, Alberta. I chose Banff for its abundance of Provincial Parks. I would have loved to go for a proper hike but running into a few bears down some backroads made me reconsider my plans. Next time I'll be out there I'll be fully prepared to deal with the bastards if I need to! 

I stopped in Revelstoke, British Columbia for my last official stop in British Columbia. The view was amazing, I'd give anything to live in a little town like this. Being surrounded by mountains has never tripped me out! I love the sky that the prairies have to offer, but this is truly home to me. 

This was also composed as a 120 shot, the frame came out gorgeous in my opinion! 

The Lower Johnston Falls, in Banff, Alberta. Water is coloured due to being glacial run off! It was such a neat pale grey / green to see. This will certainly be a stopping point next time through, I missed out on the famous Inkpots due to time constraints! 

The middle falls, another pretty scenic view point along the trail to the upper falls. Still can't get over the colour of the water! I also composed this in 120mm, the negatives look pretty awesome! 

Ah the ever present random rock structure / inukshuk. Seriously, who the hell builds these things? They're super interesting, and I'd really like to meet someone who does build them. These are a portion of the upper falls, the single fall at the very top wasn't as photogenic as these guys. 

Magic Hour. In the Rockies. Nothing more to say. It was an incredible 40 or so minutes of driving. With the sun setting behind me, the golden light cast on the mountains was one of the most awesome spectacles of nature I'd seen in awhile. My only regret was not pulling over with a better view to make a film image. I'm still beating myself up over that... but what's done is done! 

Waking up early in Banff was a good call, I caught a little bit of snow along the way, and I found Canmore, where my dad will be stationed for the near future. Congrats on the promotion dad, I'm really happy for you! I'm also incredibly jealous of your new digs, the view was amazing from every part of the little community. 

After successfully navigating Calgary traffic (post rush hour) I cruised through the rest of Alberta fairly uneventfully. At last! The homeland! 

Driving out to Cupar, spotted a group of cyclists coming while I was watching the sunset, made for a more interesting photograph I think! Human Elements turned into an interesting challenge for me while driving across the country. 

Spent time in the 306 working with these homies, climbing anything and everything in sight to make the 306 Rooftop Tour... Photos to come, got three videos and photo edits I'm working on as well as finding a job. 

The land of the Living Skies... I love and miss it so much! Fisheye, to capture the entirety of the sky that was around the sunset. Somewhere off of Highway 11. 

I didn't get the clearest skies to shoot any star photos, but this right here sure as hell compensated for it. 

After spending a quick four days in Regina, I had to get back on the road to Bellevegas. I didn't get to see everyone I wanted to see, nor did I get to spend as much time with everyone as I wanted, but I had a good time none-the-less! The Saskatchewan / Manitoba border crossing. Dryden bound! Three provinces in a single day, quite the trek. 

Too bad I ran into engine problems between Brandon and Winnipeg. The folks at the Portage la Prairie Ford dealership got me up and running on the road after a three hour delay, thankfully it wasn't anything major. This delay, along with going in and out of rain prevented me from taking many photos in Manitoba.

Upon entering Ontario, the scenery change is dramatic from the three prairie provinces. The rocks and trees are refreshing after a long drive through flat land. On highway 17 just outside of Dryden this structure stands along side the highway. After catching a fleeting glimpse, I decided to turn around and investigate. 

After not getting too many photos the day previous because of weather and then hitting Ontario in the dark, it was nice to get out and get some shots. what wasn't fun was driving between Dryden and Sault Ste. Marie. I'd recommend it for those trying to get across Ontario quickly, but beyond that don't do it. It's long as hell, and you miss a lot. I wish I could have made more stops! 

Making one stop outside of Thunder Bay, I found this crazy structure at a rest stop. No idea what it's used for but this architecture was too crazy not to take a photo of. 

If anyone's read Stephen King's Cell this makes me think of that book. Nothing else about this really. Day three of driving put me between Sault Ste. Marie, and Bancroft Ontario. Took the backroads home, because there was no way in hell I wanted to deal with Toronto traffic with my truck packed. I pretty much hate the place, and ever since being in Ontario I haven't been too stoked on driving into the city. I'll do it to skate! 

After stopping and spending a night in Bancroft it was finally time to get to Belleville. It was an awesome stay in Bancroft! Thanks for the hospitality Alyssa! 

Highway 62, in between Bancroft and Bellevegas. 

I love this country, and my travel needs are more than satisfied by journeying around it and finding spots that interest me. Traveling around the world would be amazing, but right now I'm satisfied exploring the vast differences and the many similarities from coast to coast. Canada is amazing. If you ever get the chance, see as much of this place as you can.

Thursday, 28 May 2015

The Dark Sky Adventures

 Penticton Indian Band, British Columbia

This was the result from the second night I brought my camera out, roughly 45 minutes, with light being casted on the hill from Penticton. Once I realized I wouldn't be working with totally ideal dark sky my challenge became figuring out how to use the light pollution to my advantage, and light painting in a way. 

Penticton Indian Band, British Columbia.

The longest star trail exposure I've done so far, roughly an hour and forty-five minutes, picking up light pollution from the city of Penticton, headlights from a road to the north, and from the airport to the south of where I was. I'm still pretty impressed by how it all came together. It's interesting to see how different the sky looks at night depending on when I start my exposures, this is the second time it came out with a purple tone to it, even after working in post.

Penticton Indian Band, British Columbia.

Moving on to shorter exposures, I found a few spots on Band land that stood out to me for one reason or another. The first time I saw these two trees the way the light hit em was cool to me, and I tried to capture that here. 

Penticton, British Columbia.

Penticton to the left, and Highway 97 towards Osoyoos, wrapping around Skaha Lake on the right. The light in the foreground is Skaha Hills, a housing development that the Penticton Indian Band is working on. This was one of the neatest views at night during my whole trip in my opinion. 

Penticton Indian Band, British Columbia. 

This is the now former Boonstock grounds. Heard a lot of interesting opinions on the music festival while I spent time reporting in Penticton. Everything from bring it back, to good riddance. I never attended, I can't say if it's good one way or the other. Full moon setting over the valley, and the airport off in the distance. This was one of the first spots I checked out with my cousins while I spent time in Penticton, but one of the last spots I decided to shoot there. 

Heart Lake, British Columbia.

I hiked up the trail so quickly trying to get some nice shots during magic hour, but the real interest to me was the stars. They took ages to show up, and once they did I realized I was battling against the rising full moon, and the light pollution cast off by the setting sun. While it turned into an interesting photograph, I'll certainly be back here for a moonless night.

Little Qualicum Falls, British Columbia.

Spenser took me to these falls on our way home from Tofino, I've seen them before I'm pretty sure but I was really young, and didn't have a camera. Even now, it was either my 50mm or my fisheye, which dwarfed the falls too much for my liking. 17-40 is probably ideal based off what the shot looked like on Spenser's 18-55! Technicalities aside, if you're on the island you have to check this spot out. Day or night, it's a gorgeous set of falls.

Green Mountain Road, Penticton Indian Band.

This was my last night in Penticton, and one of the few times I was out alone while making these photos. It was a little bit freaky at first! These S curves were fun to drive, had a pretty scenic creek beside them, and gave a pretty cool view of the dipper at night. I just wish I wasn't shooting against a waning moon, just another example of take the shot when you've got it in mind...

Shooting stars and shooting at night is turning into a new creative outlet for me, and has been ever since I started messing around with longer exposures in Saskatchewan. I'm glad I got a chance to shoot some pretty interesting night skies in BC, it just made me excited for the possibilities ahead this year in my free time. 

I didn't get too many more chances after these to make dark sky photos, I was up against a wide variety of weather on my trek back to Belleville. Mostly clouds at night, and when it wasn't fully cloudy it was broken clouds. Banff would have been real swell to shoot a few of these, but I'll be back soon enough to get em done. I've got two blogs left about the month and a half I spent in BC and on the road. One to go up in the next day or two, so keep your eyes open!! 

Saturday, 23 May 2015

The Internship: In Conclusion

I wrapped up my time at the Penticton Herald a few weeks back. I went above and beyond the required hours for the photojournalism program, but it was well worth it. 

I got the opportunity to travel to Spokane, Washington and watch Cirque du Soleil's production Varekai and the following day got to interview members from the cast, and crew. 

I pitched a photo story to my editor James Miller about the Salmon Hatchery on Penticton Indian Band, and almost everything fell perfectly into place for that to happen. It's always nice when things fall into place, and lately it feels like just that is happening. 

Overall, the internship was a great experience. I've learned so much, and I've grown so much from when I left Loyalist over a month ago today. I couldn't be happier with how every thing played out while I worked at the Penticton Herald. I met some incredible people, and watched some interesting things happen with my camera in hand. 

Some of the photos and stories from the last two weeks I spent working:

This is the Fish Hatchery story. I also got pointed towards the Penticton Fly Fishers Club while I was working on this story. This was an unexpected surprise, none of my previous research into hatcheries in the area had brought them up. Getting their approach was fascinating to me as well; I hope they get a chance to start raising rainbow trout fry!

Cirque du Soleil Stories: 

Anyone who knows me should appreciate the clown photo. That wasn't easy.

How the hell do you move a circus? 

19 years old, and she's been in Cirque du Soleil for three years. Much respect! 

When you get to do what you love for the rest of your life, you're pretty damn lucky. 

Couple More random shots:

Odds and Ends:

I spoke with Sarah Cornett-Ching, a Summerland native who started her racing career at the Penticton Speedway, over the phone before she raced at Bristol Speedway. 

I took this photograph of the Run Club at Outma Sqilix'w School on Penticton Indian Band, who has a few members participating in the Unity Run this year.

I went to Young @ Art, and took some photos of youth making art. I learned that Penticton schools no longer offer the chance of taking art and drama in the same year, so the art gallery opened up an after school program to accommodate to those who wish to take both. 

In conclusion, here was a thank you letter I wrote to my editor and the city of Penticton for being so open with me while I was working there.